
authors : Tony Chemit
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revision : $Revision$
date : $Date$


This page describes the usage of the goals of the eugene plugin.


This goal permits to launch a smart (understood as intelligent) generation, chaining different generation phases.

Following the maven spirit of using convention (and then default configuration) you should always try to respect the plugin convention to avoid big headaches...


An invariant of the goal is the type of model to treate given by the configuration property modelType.

At the moment there is two types of model :

  • objectmodel
  • statemodel

To define what to generate, you must fill the inputs configuration.

Each inputs entry is bind to a phase of generation (see next section to learn more about phases).

An input entry is defined by :

  • a phase (zargo, xmi or model)
  • a input directory
  • an include pattern



If you want to use more than one entry, you can also write :


An input can have three forms :

  • <input>XXX</input> : use the XXX phase with its default configuration
  • <input>dir:includes</input> : use the given directory with the given phase and detects from the includes pattern the phase to use
  • <input>XXX:dir:includes</input> : use the XXX phase with the given directory and includes pattern



A phase (also called a writer) aims to generate something with possibility to fire a next chained phase.

At the moment we have defined several phases of generation :

  • zargo
  • xmi
  • model

Each phase has an input protocol and an output protocol, says :

zargo --> xmi
xmi   --> model
model --> no output protocol (at the moment)

So if you gives and zargo phase, the plugin will try to chain zargo --> xmi --> model.

It is possible to skip some phase using the skipInputs configuration property.



will launch phases zargo then xmi but not the model phase.

Finally, there is some specific properties that can be filled for each phase.

zargo phase

This phase permits to take some zargo files to extract the xmi files from them.



will detect all zargo files (using the default configuration for zargo phase) and extract their xmi files.

The default configuration for the zargo phase is :

  • input directory : src/main/xmi
  • include files : **/*.zargo

    System Message: WARNING/2 (line 192)

    Inline strong start-string without end-string.

    System Message: WARNING/2 (line 192)

    Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
  • output directory : target/generated-sources/xmi

This phase has no specific configuration properties.

xmi phase

This phase permits to take some xmi files to build some objectmoldel (or statemodel) files.



will detect all xmi files (using the default configuration for xmi phase) and create model files from them.

The default configuration for the xmi phase is :

  • input directory : src/main/xmi
  • include files : **/*.xmi

    System Message: WARNING/2 (line 224)

    Inline strong start-string without end-string.

    System Message: WARNING/2 (line 224)

    Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
  • output directory : target/generated-sources/modles

This phase defines some specific configuration properties :

  • fullPackagePath
  • resolver

model phase

This phase permits to take some model files to generate some files (java and others) using the given templates.



The default configuration for the model phase is :

  • input directory : src/main/models
  • include files : **/*.objectmodel

    System Message: WARNING/2 (line 258)

    Inline strong start-string without end-string.

    System Message: WARNING/2 (line 258)

    Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.
  • output directory : target/generated-sources/java

This phase defines some specific configuration properties :

  • defaultPackage
  • templates
  • excludeTemplates
  • generatedPackages


This goal help users to determine all types of data that can be used with their current configuration of plugin.

The goal can only be used by direct invocation in console and not in the pom as its purpose is only to display some stuff in the console.

Just type

mvn eugene:available-data

to obtain all data available.


[INFO] [eugene:available-data {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] Get datas for data types : [modeltype, writer, modelreader, modeltemplate]
Found 2 modeltypes :
 [statemodel] with implementation 'org.nuiton.eugene.models.state.xml.StateModelImpl'
 [objectmodel] with implementation 'org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.xml.ObjectModelImpl'
Found 3 writers :
 [xmi] with implementation 'org.nuiton.eugene.plugin.writer.XmiChainedFileWriter
  inputProtocol             : xmi
  outputProtocol            : model
  defaultIncludes           : **/*.xmi
  defaultInputDirectory     : src/main/xmi
  defaultTestInputDirectory : src/test/xmi'
 [model2Java] with implementation 'org.nuiton.eugene.plugin.writer.ModelChainedFileWriter
  inputProtocol             : model
  outputProtocol            : null
  defaultIncludes           : **/*.*model
  defaultInputDirectory     : src/main/models
  defaultTestInputDirectory : src/test/models'
 [zargo2xmi] with implementation 'org.nuiton.eugene.plugin.writer.ZargoChainedFileWriter
  inputProtocol             : zargo
  outputProtocol            : xmi
  defaultIncludes           : **/*.zargo
  defaultInputDirectory     : src/main/xmi
  defaultTestInputDirectory : src/test/xmi'
Found 2 modelreaders :
 [statemodel] with implementation 'org.nuiton.eugene.models.state.StateModelReader'
 [objectmodel] with implementation 'org.nuiton.eugene.models.object.ObjectModelReader'
Found one modeltemplate :
 [] with implementation ''


This goal transform some input files (model extension file with properties file format) to a unique file using a compact format (objectmodel-ext).

Example of a such file:

modeTagValue value

  packageTagValue value
  classTagValue value
  attribute.attributeTagValue value


This goal transform some input files (compact format) to a unique file using the classical properties file format.