Eugene java extension package : all specific extension for Java generation.
- Annotations extension : to add some annotation on elements of a object model.
- Imports extension : to deal smartly with imports of code to generate.
- Constants extension : to deal with constants in java generators.
- codes extension : to add smartly some codes to operations.
- See Also:
Class Summary Class Description AnnotationsManager To manage annotations for anyObjectModelElement
of a classifier.AnnotationsManagerExtension Created: 17 déc. 2009CodesManager To manage some verbatim code to inject in operations.CodesManagerExtension Object model extensions to manage verbatim code to attzach to operations.ConstantsManager Manager of constant names.ConstantsManagerExtension ImportsManager Class used in generators that allows to manage easily imports.ImportsManagerExtension Extension for ObjectModel to manage imports for all classifiers in the model.ObjectModelAnnotation Define a annotation.ObjectModelAnnotationParameter Defines a annotation parameter.