Package org.nuiton.validator.bean.list

Package of Nuiton - BeanListValidator api.

The BeanValidator api

The BeanListValidator purpose is to validate a list of bean, with a listener api to interact with outside world.

It is mainly used in GUI parts of an application (Jaxx-validator use it). The idea is to attach the bean to validate insed the validator, then the validator listen any modification of the bean to revalidate it and fires events when messages has changed on a field.
 BeanListValidatorListener listener = new BeanListValidatorListener() {XXX};
 BeanValidator<O> validator = XXX;

Obtain a validator

To obtain a bean validator use one of the factory method on the BeanListValidator.
 BeanListValidator<O> validator = BeanListValidator.newValidator(O.class);
To be continued...