AbstractDoubleIntMap |
Abstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type
(double-->int) .
AbstractIntDoubleMap |
Abstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type
(int-->double) .
AbstractIntIntMap |
Abstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type
(int-->int) .
AbstractIntObjectMap<T> |
Abstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type
(int-->Object) .
AbstractLongDoubleMap |
Ajouté par Code Lutin pour le support de OpenLongDoubleHashMap
Abstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type
(long-->double) .
AbstractLongObjectMap<T> |
Abstract base class for hash maps holding (key,value) associations of type
(long-->Object) .
AbstractMap |
Abstract base class for hash maps holding objects or primitive data types
such as int , float , etc. as keys and/or values.
HashFunctions |
Provides various hash functions.
OpenDoubleIntHashMap |
Hash map holding (key,value) associations of type (double-->int) ;
Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing
with double hashing.
OpenIntDoubleHashMap |
Hash map holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->double) ;
Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing
with double hashing.
OpenIntIntHashMap |
Hash map holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->int) ;
Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing
with double hashing.
OpenIntObjectHashMap<T> |
Hash map holding (key,value) associations of type (int-->Object) ; Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented
using open addressing with double hashing.
OpenLongDoubleHashMap |
Ajouté par Code Lutin le 8 décembre 2022
Hash map holding (key,value) associations of type (long-->double) ;
Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing
with double hashing.
OpenLongObjectHashMap<T> |
Hash map holding (key,value) associations of type (long-->Object) ;
Automatically grows and shrinks as needed; Implemented using open addressing
with double hashing.
PrimeFinder |
Not of interest for users; only for implementors of hashtables.
QuickOpenIntIntHashMap |
Status: Experimental; Do not use for production yet.